1T Triplane  

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November  01, 2000

  At this point in time we have committed ourselves to building a prototype Triplane. It will be interesting to see how it comes out and how well it will fly. Progress will be posted to this website, so visitors will be able to follow along as the work and testing progresses. Your questions and comments by e-mail are welcome. It is anticipated that the construction will take about a year to complete.

  The drawings set for the prototype Triplane have been completed. As well we have done some experimenting with different materials and wing construction systems. Preliminary load testing on the wing spars has also been done.


Sample wing ribs - Some of the different types of wing rib construction we tried.

Plywood skin wing section - 2 foot long trial wing section using wood frame and plywood skin. This would be final covered with dacron fabric.  

Load test on sample wing spar - One of the 3 different types of spars we built and tried. This one is spruce and plywood and is loaded to a 4 g. limit load. (685 lbs.)

Wing panel jig - Experimental jig used to build different wing section panels.

Fiberglas skin wing section - 2 foot long trial wing section using wood frame and fiberglas skin.


April 21, 2001

     We have completed the plans set and have made a decision on the method and type of wing construction.  The stress analysis is complete and we have constructed a wing panel for load testing.  All of the materials to build the Triplane are on hand.  With the verification of the load tests we will begin construction of the airframe.


Completed top wing - This is the finalized version of the Triplane Wing. Spruce spar beams, plywood ribs and 'S' glass fiberglas bonded skin.

Horizontal tail load test - Tail loaded to 6 g. ultimate load.

Top wing panel lift load test - Prototype wing panel loaded to 6 g. ultimate load. This wing panel which weighs only 14 lbs. is loaded with 1230 lbs. of sand and easily supports it.

Top wing panel after load test - Wing after load tests shows no permanent deflection or stress damage.